Welcome to Dunsford & Ardglass Parish

Welcome to Dunsford and Ardglass Catholic Parish. We are a warm and inviting community who seek to follow Jesus Christ, remaining rooted in the Word of God and the teachings of our Catholic Faith.

In a reverent and holy atmosphere we gather to adore God through our celebration of the Sacraments - especially our celebration of Sunday and daily Mass. As a parish community we are centred and strengthened as we gather to celebrate and receive Eucharist together.

Faithful to the mandate of Jesus to “go and make disciples of all nations”, we strive through prayer and faith formation for all ages to draw all people into a deeper communion and relationship with the Most Holy Trinity.

We are very dedicated to living out the Church’s Corporal Works of Mercy and seek to find Christ in all our brothers and sisters, especially the less fortunate. We have many ministries and opportunities to share the Love of Jesus with all.

I hope you find our website to be a helpful resource. We hope to meet you in person soon. We look forward to worshipping with you at Mass and journeying along the road of faith with you.

Mass Times

Monday – Saturday – 10 am
Saturday – 6.30 pm Vigil
Sunday – 11.30 am

10.00 am – Sunday

Please check the webcam page as masses can change or vary due to present covid restriction.